
Showing posts from March, 2019

The Week I Said "Yes"

Nope, this entry is not about when my husband proposed to me, or when I agreed to be a camp counselor or anything so esoteric. The first week of Lent this year (2019) I said yes a lot. I started by saying yes to doing my friend's daughter's wedding when the first officiant had a medical emergency. That was an easy yes, and it was a good yes, and I was really glad I did it, because it was a beautiful day. It was a joy to be a part of that. Really it started way before that yes, however. I know I said that this blog isn't a ministry blog, but I also said that it is hard to remove that part of my life from who I am intrinsically. Part of being a minister means there are times during the year that are naturally busy, and never more so (for most) than Lent. Things build up to that time of year. It is never at the same time, like Christmas, where you can basically know things like this is what the weather is usually like  or this particular "high holy" day always

Why "Random Panda"?

So I'm finally doing this. I set it up weeks ago and then I got distracted. That happens a lot in my home and in my work and in almost everything I do. Most distractions are pleasant, like T getting me coffee or a new picture of Little Man or P-Man sharing his day with all his wonderful energy. Work also distracts me in a good way: planning worship, reading and Bible Study. But then there are other distractions like anxiety, death and grief, and lately snow - too much snow. It's not that the other distractions are bad (except the snow - sometimes); they are just harder. The distraction this time was anxiety about this blog. You see I never really thought I'd do a blog - I enjoy reading other blogs, but I'm in the midst of writing a book, more writing seems counter-productive. Then all these random thoughts kept distracting me from the book and a friend said, "You should write a blog for all these random thoughts that come from being all these things to all these pe